Jesus I never knew

After being a Christian all these years, there are still things about Christ I never knew and continue to find out in various ways. Some through happy times, and some through times of struggle, but both yielding the same effect of awe. We believe what we have been taught in Sunday school, what has been taught by our parents, and of course, what is written in the Bible. However, more often that not, we take all these teachings for granted and tend not to put anymore thought into it than what we were taught to believe. What then is our faith built upon but the teachings of many generations? What is real faith and does it require proof?

The younger generation of Christians today fail to identify this real faith because we do not take the time to think of what Christianity means; I myself, guilty as charged. It is not merely a religion or a group of people expressing a common belief. The very core foundation of our faith is often questioned by non-believers; did Christ really come to earth, die for us and rise again? And if so, why do we as believers believe it?

I felt disappointed with myself for not taking the effort to ever think this through. Why do we as believers, believe it? What a friend of mine said in Bible study tonight really gave me a whole new perspective, one which never entered my mind before. She said, if Jesus' disciples did not really see Him appear to them after His crucifixion, would they have gone to their very last breath and die defending Him? Would they have died as martyrs professing their faith? Would they not have slunked away if they had not seen Him rise from the dead as they would have realised that all they were taught and lived for was a sham? I know I would have. And indeed, so would I.

Whatever the religion, whatever the belief, there has to be a reason, a foundation for our faith. Only with a firm foundation will there leave no room for doubt. I have made my choice, now, to work on that firm foundation...


The most random thing I remember from Bible study tonight:

Stonehenge will start rotating and become the new source of energy in 2012.


Star wars is a fairy tale. 

Courtesy of, Daniel Chan


Kor: I'm going to have a Lord of the Rings themed wedding and go dressed as Gandalf

Me: Complete with the Orcs and the Uruk-hai?

Kor: Yea, they make up the bride's side 

Me: Awesome =)


Jump start my kaleidoscope heart

I ran

I ran
Because I could not say goodbye

Missing home

Grandpa: Heard there's some trouble going on in uni. Who's bullying you?
Me: Nahh, just some college mishap.
Grandpa: Is it a boy? Tell me who it is, I'll go and find him.
Me: Hahah..yea, it's a guy, sort of.
Grandpa: Ok, come, let me go and teach him a lesson. 

Got to love the gramps! <3