Creativity has to begin from something; an idea, an act, a word, a picture, anything. What grows from there is what sets you apart.
As I watched my mother arranging flowers for church last week, I asked her if she actually had the arrangement in mind before beginning. She said, "Sometimes..sometimes there isn't but I just begin on it and it slowly becomes something." And that is what she did last week. Although most of the time, she already has a picture of it in her mind.
It didn't look like much when she started, and I really wondered where she was going with the arrangement with no idea in mind. But I guess the idea somewhat came, once she had started on it.
And so I surmised, you don't necessarily have to have an idea in mind. Sometimes, an act alone can trigger the idea. So sitting around and waiting for an idea to imerge in your mind can take too long a time, sometimes a little bit of randomness can take you a long way. That's creativity.
Go Mummy!